Monday, September 16, 2013

Same bivalves, different country

Over the last few days I have been working in Italia (Italy), trying to track down some Early Jurassic reefs!

The first day we started at a paleontology/geology museum in Camposilvano!

They had an awesome vertebrae on display (from an ichthyosaur I think)

and some beautifully displayed lithiotid bivalves (among a bunch of other things)!

So far good material has been scarce, but we have found a few things, like this sponge...

Some really impressive lithiotid mounds (Renato is looking at the dip between two mounds in the middle of the section)

Here is a "book" of lithiotid bivalves (the linear grey lines are the cross sections of the bivalve shells)

You can't hold back the bivalves!

Lots of chert!

 And some beautiful examples of bivalve bouquets!

My guides for the trip, Daniele and Renato!

Even if the reefs are scare, this is a gorgeous place to do research!

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